Gunpla from Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
This is the page with the G-Witch plamo kits I've made!
XGF-02 Gundam Lfrith [HG]

I loved the Lfrith from the moment I saw it in the prologue, and that's stayed true: it's still one of my favorite mobile suits from WfM. It's mostly due to the color scheme: imo, the tricolor lets most Gundam designs down, whereas this keeps it simple with good color blocking. Also the bit staves are just very very cool. And it's piloted by a trigger-happy 4-year-old! Gundam is a happy series.

The biggest thing I probably did was print some custom display stands for the bits. The first design used simple, 2D arcs, and then the second design had some 3D curved 'fan' shapes once I figured out how to do lofts in FreeCAD. Personally, I think it looks pretty good! Pro tip: most parts of the plastic runners in Bandai kits are 3mm diameter, which means you can use them as 3mm pegs for mounting modern 1/144s and sticking together 30MM stuff.

I didn't do anything particularly fancy in terms of the build, but it was the start of me feeling more comfortable with painting HGs for color correction purposes (or at least color improvement purposes). I added gunmetal, sensor green, and bright pink detail to several parts of the kit, which I think make it really pop without looking too busy. Oh, and of course I panel lined it - just grey on the white parts and black everywhere else.
CEK-040 Beguir-Beu [HG]

Of course I have to put the Beguir-Beu right after the Lfrith, but I didn't actually build this kit until much more recently. It's a really good design, much better than most of Grassley suits in the rest of the show imo.

Apart from a bit of detailing, the big task for this kit was fixing all the transparent purple parts, which for some reason unknown to science Bandai decided to make a horribly light nothing shade of 'purple'. Sharpie to the rescue! I also covered the areas behind the transparent parts with the EX chrome silver marker, which shows up really nicely in direct lighting.
XVX-016 Gundam Aerial [HG]

It's Aerial! As mentioned above, I think the tricolor makes it looks worse than it otherwise would, but it's still a really great design. Lots of little detail without looking too busy. Of course, I made a bits display stand for this one as well - a lot easier than the Lfrith, since the bits on the Aerial are actually designed to fit into a Bandai-made display kit.

This kit also has loads of great opportunities for detailing, even if it gets a lot right just via color seperation and stickers. I also did some bits in paint that had stickers, for better depth and effect.
MSJ-105CC Chuchu's Demi Trainer [HG]

Chuchu's Demi Trainer might be one of the best 'upgraded grunt' mobile suits in the series, although that could just be recency bias speaking. Still though, an asymmetric design with vectored thrusters, roller wheels, and a single, big gun? It's just very cool. And it's a great kit, too! I was suprised that the kit doesn't waste any parts despite sharing a lot with the normal Demi Trainer: I guess Bandai's gotten good at runner switches.

My only complaint with it really is how hard it is to get it to grip the rifle 'correctly' - it's just about possible, but you really have to strain the arm and wrist joints to do it. Definitely a kit that pushes the limits of HG poseability imo.
MSJ-121 Demi Trainer [HG]

It's the normal Demi Trainer! It's a chunky grunt suit, and that's reflected in the construction of its kit as well: very quick and simple to put together. Don't have a lot to say about it really. It's good and I like it.
F/D-19 Zowort [HG]

The Zowort. It's fun to say, and it gets a pretty cool moment in the show. And it looks really neat! It's one of the most fighter jet-looking mobile suits that doesn't literally turn into a plane (hi Flag), definitely fitting Peil's 'thing' of making suits with strong aerial capabilities.

This design is covered in thrusters, intakes, and vents, so to give it the correct feeling of depth all these crevices need to be painted matte black. You can see quite a lot of it on the picture of the back above.